Message from Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah SWT because the MAIDAM website has been completed successfully. The stability of the management and service of the Terengganu Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIDAM) proves the spirit and positive work culture practiced by all members of the service to maintain the vision and mission achieved and can bring progress and excellence throughout as a religious institution in the State of Terengganu.
I am proud of the production of this website which is a form of reflection of the hard work of all MAIDAM employees throughout the time as well as a reference source for all parties who want to know the roles and activities that have been carried out by MAIDAM.
Finally, I take the opportunity to express my appreciation and congratulations to everyone involved in providing data and information on this website.
Thank you.
YBrs. Prof.Madya Dr.Ahmad Azrin Bin Adnan
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
Majlis Agama Islam Dan Adat Melayu
Tel : 09-6303030 samb. 3004
Emel : ceo@maidam.gov.my